How much sleep is enough in any age.

The National Sleep Foundation of the United States says that the sleep time of the person will be different according to the age. Most people know that they are not getting enough sleep - but how much is that enough? The recent study of the foundation says that the answer to this question is actually based on age. Regardless of routine, alcohol or stimulants, such as coffee or any energy drink, alarm clock, or light of day, everything can interfere with daily life cycles. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF), based in the United States, says that everybody's life style actually plays a key role in understanding its sleeping needs. According to age, the company has also suggested the need for sleeping by age.

1. Newborn baby:

(Up to 3 months) 14 to 17 hours. Although 11 to 13 hours may be enough. However, it should not be more than 19 hours in any way.
2. Children (4 to 11 months):

At least 10 hours and maximum 18 hours.
3. Child (1/2 years old):

11 to 14 hours.
4. Pre-School Episode (3-5 years old):

Experts think 10 to 13 hours.
5. School Stage (6-13 years):

NSF advice sleep 9-10 hours
6. Tin Edge (14-17 years):

Need to sleep for 8-10 hours.
7. Adult young (18-25 years):

7-9 hours should sleep.
8. Adult (26-64 years):

Like the adult youth
9. Other age (65 or older):

7/8 hours sleep is ideal. But it should not be less than 5 hours or more than 9 hours.


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