Tomato will prevent kidney cancer

Do you want to avoid kidney cancer risk? Then eat more tomatoes. A new study found that tomato or lycopen-rich fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of kidney cancer.

Lycopene is an antioxidant. Because of this antioxidant, tomato, watermelon, grapes and papaya are reddish.

This study has been done on the eating of menstruating menace of 92 thousand women. In the study, the amount of micronutrient acceptance, including leekopen, was collected through question papers.

There were 383 women who participated in the study to have kidney cancer. Studies have shown that compared to those who have taken less leekpane-rich foods, those who have taken a lot of liqueur-rich foods are less likely to have kidney cancer risk.

Quoting the case of Resident Doctor On Jean-Hoy, Case of Western Reserve University of Ohio, USA, the Live Science magazine said that a woman who receives maximum lycopens of the daily daily equivalent of four tomatoes is similar to the Lycopene.

However, not only tomatoes, women also received leekopen from other fruits and vegetables rich in tomato sauce or lycopene, said On Zin Ho.

This paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology.

Do you want to avoid kidney cancer risk? Then eat more tomatoes. A new study found that tomato or lycopen-rich fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of kidney cancer.

Lycopene is an antioxidant. Because of this antioxidant, tomato, watermelon, grapes and papaya are reddish.

This study has been done on the eating of menstruating menace of 92 thousand women. In the study, the amount of micronutrient acceptance, including leekopen, was collected through question papers.

There were 383 women who participated in the study to have kidney cancer. Studies have shown that compared to those who have taken less leekpane-rich foods, those who have taken a lot of liqueur-rich foods are less likely to have kidney cancer risk.

Quoting the case of Resident Doctor On Jean-Hoy, Case of Western Reserve University of Ohio, USA, the Live Science magazine said that a woman who receives maximum lycopens of the daily daily equivalent of four tomatoes is similar to the Lycopene.

However, not only tomatoes, women also received leekopen from other fruits and vegetables rich in tomato sauce or lycopene, said On Zin Ho.

This paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology.


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